
Parvai ondre podhume lyrics
Parvai ondre podhume lyrics

parvai ondre podhume lyrics

Sri OVK asks: "With a face (and dark curls) like (pOlanna) a dense black (kAr) cloud (mugil) and eyes that are so luminous that they make one wonder if they are the sun (kadirena) and the moon (madiena) themselves, will you not open (tiRandu) those pools/ocean (kaDalinai) that are your dark (karu) eyes (vizhi) just a little bit (saTRE) and shower (pozhindu) a deluge (mazhai) of your compassion (karuNai) so that it warms (kuLira) me to the depths of my (en) soul (agam)? KaruNai mazhai pozhinden agam kuLira….(kaLLa)

parvai ondre podhume lyrics

So what (enna) if these two (iraNDum) fantastic treasures (nidhi) of the conch (SaMkha) and the lotus (paduma) were forcefully (valiya) thrust on/given to (tandAl) me, I would still treasure a single glance from krishNa's (kaNNan) eyes so much more." It is worth more that the celestial treasures - Sankha and padma nidhIs together. The composer, Sri OVK says "Just one (onDRE) mischievous (kaLLa) glance (pArvai) from krishNa's eyes is more than enough (pOdumE) for me.

parvai ondre podhume lyrics

Paduma nidhi iranDum valiya-t tandAl enna….(kaLLa) (kaNNan) So I am cutting and pasting from what I had saved. Eons ago, I had translated this on the forum, but I can't get to that page, try as I might.

Parvai ondre podhume lyrics